THE MAGIC – Day 28

Start your day with count your blessings, write 10 things you can be grateful for with reason, reread them and say magic words “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you” after every statement.

Today is the last day of magical practices, but this doesn’t stop here, we all are going to continue with all the magical practices further.

For today, we are going to take a look back to the previous day and find all the blessings we were blessed with throughout the day. Remember the magic by counting the blessings of yesterday, and writing them down. Ask yourself “what are the good things that happened yesterday?”, scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you have remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

As you remember each one, say the magic words “thank you” for it in your mind.

After today you can do this practice as a written list, or in your mind, by making a list of things you are grateful for about yesterday(shorter or detailed list).

Before you sleep, hold magic rock in one hand and say magic words “thank you” for the best thing that happened today.

Stay tuned. Be grateful.

I don’t own the copyright of the book.

3 thoughts on “THE MAGIC – Day 28

  1. Pingback: THE MAGIC – Being Aware

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